quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2007

Liberada a Caça de Javalis em todo estado de Santa Catarina


Caros amigos,

É com grande satisfação que informamos que está liberada a Caça de Javalis em todo estado de Santa Catarina.

Esta liberação foi concedida por meio da portaria SAR n.º 10/2007 da Secretaria de Estado da Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural de Santa Catarina, publicada em 20/10/07 (conteúdo abaixo na íntegra), em função da necessidade do controle da grande quantidade de Javalis, que se tornaram nocivos para a produção agrícola do estado.

A caça em Santa Catarina está autorizada pelo período de 120 dias a partir da data de publicação da portaria, possibilitando a atividade de caça legal, devidamente autorizada.

No estado Rio Grande do Sul, a temporada de caça ao Javali é permanente, sem data para encerramento.

A liberação da caça do Javali em Santa Catarina representa um marco na história da caça esportiva em nosso país, pois desde o ano de 1974, só autorizava-se temporada de caça no Rio Grande do Sul.

Vemos, portanto, que estão sendo alterados positivamente os rumos da caça esportiva no Brasil. Neste processo, é imprescindível que cada esportista da natureza tenha em mente a importância do empenho de cada um para a implantação definitiva de uma política para a caça amadora revestida de respeito e profundo compromisso com suas regras e com o meio ambiente.

Conheça os cartuchos CBC Knock Down Slug, especialmente desenvolvidos para a caça de Javalis, disponíveis nos calibres 12, 16 e 20.
O Cartucho CBC Knock Down Slug é ótima opção não apenas para a caça de Javalis, mas também para todos os atiradores que buscam cartuchos com desempenho “premium”.

Veja mais detalhes deste produto em: http://www.cbc.com.br/municoes/muni_caca


Marketing CBC

Integra da Portaria:

Estado de Santa Catarina

Secretaria de Estado da Agricultura

Portaria SAR n.º 10/2007 de 20 de maio de 2007.

O Secretário de Estado da Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural, no uso das atribuições que lhe são conferidas pelo art. 74, inciso II, da Constituição do Estado de Santa Catarina, e art. 7º, inciso I da Lei Complementar n.º 284, de 28 de fevereiro de 2005,

CONSIDERANDO a existência de grande quantidade de javalis asselvajados, especialmente na região do Alto Irani, provocando elevados prejuízos às lavouras de cereais e, portanto, considerado nocivos para a produção agrícola,

CONSIDERANDO a necessidade do controle da população nociva de javalis (Sus sorofa scrofa) existente no Estado de Santa Catarina,

CONSIDERANDO o disposto na Instrução Normativa Nº 141, de 19 de dezembro de 2006, do Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis – IBAMA, que regulamenta o controle e o manejo ambiental da fauna sinatrópica nociva, especialmente o parágrafo 2º do Art. 1º, o item V do Art. 2º e: a letra e) do § 1º do Art. 4º,


Art. 1º Autorizar, em caráter temporário, o abate de javalis asselvajados no Estado de Santa Catarina, durante o prazo de 120 dias a contar da data da publicação desta portaria.

Art. 2º O abate acontecerá dentro de propriedade particular, sendo que o proprietário deverá solicitar na Prefeitura Municipal a autorização para realizar o controle da população de javalis asselvajados.

§ 1º Será criada nos municípios envolvidos uma comissão para operacionalização das atividades relacionadas ao objeto desta portaria, com a participação das seguintes instituições: Prefeitura Municipa, Companhia Integrada de Desenvolvimento Agrícola de Santa Catarina – Cidasc, Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina – Epagri, instituições do meio ambiente e da polícia ambiental existente na região de abrangência do município.

§ 2º Poderão ser convidadas outras instituições que possam colaborar com as atividades.

§ 3º A comissão será responsável pelo cadastramento dos proprietários, emissão de autorização e registro do controle do abate de javalis asselvajados.

Art. 3º O proprietário será o responsável pelo cumprimento das condicionantes da autorização e será penalizado por eventuais infrações decorrentes de atividade.

Art. 4º Não será permitido o uso de cães de caça, armadilhas, sendo determinado como único método de captura para abate o uso de cava com espera.

Art. 5º No uso de armas de fogo para o abate deverá ser observado a legislação pertinente.

Art. 6º O produto do abate deverá obrigatoriamente permanecer dentro da propriedade.

Art. 7º O proprietário deverá informar imediatamente ao Escritório da CIDASC, quando identificar animais abatidos com suspeita de qualquer enfermidade.

Art. 8º O proprietário deverá apresentar na Prefeitura Municipal os dados numéricos sobre o controle da população de javalis asselvajados através da comunicação do registro de abate.

Art. 9º Esta Portaria entra em vigor na data de sua publicação no Diário Oficial do Estado.

Florianópolis, 20 de maio de 2007.

Antônio Ceron

Secretário de Estado

segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2007

Action Pistol Shooting Competition

Action Pistol Shooting Competition

For additional information please call the NRA Action Pistol Coordinator at (703) 267-1478

NRA Action Pistol Shooting is open to all individuals who are interested in Action-type courses of fire, which combine speed and accuracy with shooting at multiple targets.

The purpose of this page is to give general information on how to get started in the sport of action pistol competition. The information given will answer the most often asked questions that a beginner will have.

How To Get Started
If you have an interest in trying action pistol competition, it is recommended that you contact the NRA Pistol Department and obtain a complimentary copy of Shooting Sports USA. The "Coming Events" section of Shooting Sports USA lists NRA sanctioned tournaments for several months following the publication date. Find a tournament being conducted near you, contact the listed sponsor and request a program. Attend this tournament as a spectator; this will give you an opportunity to observe how it is conducted and talk to the sponsor and competitors. Be sure you don't disturb the competitors during the match - the time between relays is a good time to talk to them.

You will see a variety of equipment and accessories. Every competitor has his own opinion as to what is best. This may sound confusing, but remember, you're there to gather information.

If there is a club in your area, make arrangements to attend one or more of their practice sessions. This will serve the same purpose as attending a tournament except a practice session is not always conducted under match conditions. However, this will give you a better opportunity to talk about equipment. Also, you may have an opportunity to actually shoot one or more types (brands) of pistols which will help you to decide which seems best for you.

New Shooter?
An excellent way for a new shooter to start in competitive shooting is a league. Although NRA rules are used, a league is generally informal. Usually a handicap system is used so all individuals or teams have an equal chance of winning. A Sanctioned League Handbook and application to have a sanctioned is available at no cost from the NRA Competitive Shooting Division.

Should you decide that competitive shooting is the sport for you, you may find that you wish to join a local club (Call 1-800-NRA-CLUB or email clubs@nrahq.org). Ask three questions of your prospective club leaders; 1. Does the Club have a range or access to a range? 2. Does the Club have an active action pistol program? 3. Is the membership open? If you can answer "Yes" to all three of the questions, then you have found a good starting place (most shooting activities are sponsored by local gun clubs).

The beginning shooter does not need a lot of specialized, high priced equipment to participate. There are, however, many custom gunsmiths offering tuned-up pistols for this style of shooting. It is possible for a beginner to compete with an out-of-the-box autoloader or revolver, the key factors of any gun are safety and reliability. Probably the most important piece of equipment for Action Shooting is a safe holster, which will hold the firearm securely while moving, yet allow a rapid draw. Auto pistol shooters will need spare magazines and magazine carriers which also offer security and speed; revolver shooters will find speed loaders a good investment. There are currently several companies offering fine holsters and accessories for the Action Shooter.

Section 3 of the NRA Action Pistol Rule Book defines authorized equipment and ammunition. This section is not meant to restrict equipment, but to define limitations. Generally, there are few restrictions on pistols and their accessories, except for safety concerns. Various types of sights may be used, from standard metallic (fixed and adjustable) to optical and electronic. However, a sponsor may, at his option, restrict a given match as to type of sights allowed. A new firearm category has recently been added to the Action Pistol program, Rule 3.1.2 Open Modified Firearm provides for essentially out-of-the-box guns with only specific modifications to enhance accuracy and reliability. Tournament sponsors may provide separate awards for this category, or restrict a match to metallic sight firearms only. This new category offers extended opportunities to shoot Action Pistol with moderate expense for equipment.

There are some specific rules for the type of ammunition used in Action Pistol competition. The lower limit of caliber shall be 9mm; all ammunition fired in a tournament must meet or exceed the power floor as described when checked by chronograph using the formula:

bullet weight x muzzle velocity = not less than 120,000
(Example: using a 158gr bullet, the muzzle velocity must be at least 760fps to achieve the power floor of 120,000); any ammunition used must be loaded within safe limitations for the handgun to be used; all ammunition fired by a competitor in a tournament must maintain identical bullet design, weight and velocity. Rule 3.17 further defines procedures for testing ammunition at a tournament.

Handloads may be used, provided they meet the specifications of the rule. Many competitors load their own ammunition, as this is not only cost effective, but allows for loads to be "customized" for a particular gun. In many cases, hand-loaded ammunition is more accurate than commercially-produced match grade ammunition. If you chose factory ammunition, be sure it meets the power floor. If you reload, be sure to follow all safety procedures.

The official NRA Action Pistol Shooting Targets are rectangular, with the top-end rounded. These targets were designed for use in the Bianchi Cup Tournament and through arrangement with John Bianchi, will be printed by NRA licensed manufacturers, in both cardboard and paper. They will carry the Bianchi Trademark and NRA Official Seal.

The second "official" target is an 8 inch diameter round "plate" made from .375 (3/8) inch thick steel. It is normally painted white. The plates may have individual bases and may sit on a stand in a series of six, or they may be fitted with hinges on metal frames as a more elaborate, permanent fixture. In order to score a hit, which is 10 points, the target must be knocked down.

The third "official" target is the speed plate, which is made from .375 (3/8) inch steel. It is painted white. In the speed event, 4 of the 5 targets must be knocked down to score, while the 5th (stop-plate) must be hit to stop the clock.

The fourth "official" target is the NRA B-18 Target used for the Combat Event. The top edge of the scoring area begins at the upper midpoint in the 6 ring and ends at the lower midpoint of the 6 ring at the bottom of the target. It is divided into 5 scoring zones, (hits outside the 6 ring are scored as misses). The 10 ring is formed by two vertical lined 5cm long, 10cm apart and joined at the top and bottom by semicircles with a 5cm radius. The 10 ring is therefore 10cm wide and 15cm high. The 9 through 6 rings are similarly shaped with their widths successively increased by 10cm (5cm on each side) and their heights by 15cm (7.5cm at the top and bottom). The center of the 10 ring must be 37.5cm from the top of the target. The 10 ring is not numbered. The B-24 target is used for firing at 50 feet.

A list of NRA Official Target Manufacturers is available at www.nrahq.org/compete/licensed.asp

Courses of Fire
There are currently 16 recognized courses of fire for record, plus a Tyro course. The Tyro course is designed, as an option, to allow tournament sponsors to test the proficiency of a brand-new shooter, who must complete this course before participating in any of the record courses. The following courses of fire have been approved by the NRA Action Shooting Committee.

  • The Tyro Course is divided into three stages with three targets per stage, a total of 24 shots. All firing is from 10 yards. This course of fire must be successfully completed by all newcomers before advancing to record matches.

  • The Los Alamitos Pistol Match is divided into 5 stages for a total of 42 shots fired at 7, 10 and 25 yards.

  • The Flying "M" is conducted as man against man: Targets are placed at 7, 10 and 15 yards. The 7 yard target is a metal plate. Four strings are fired, two strings to the right and two to the lift. There is no time limit, and the 7 yard target stops the clock.

  • The Moving Target course is shot in three stages, for a total of 24 shots, from 7, 15 and 25 yards.

  • The International Rapid Fire (Modified) consists of 30 shots at 25 meters. The course is subdivided into six strings of five shots each; two in 8 seconds, two in 6 seconds and two in 4 seconds.

  • The Advanced Military Pistol course is divided into 6 stages for a total of 50 shots fired from 10, 25 and 50 yards.

  • The Practical Event consists of four stages, each with three strings and 12 shots per stage (48 shots total) and fired from 10, 15, 25 and 50 yards.

  • The Barricade Event is divided into four stages, with two strings per stage and 6 shots per string, for a total of 48 shots. All shots will be fired from behind a barricade.

  • The Moving Target Event (Modified) course is divided into 4 stages 12 shots each, for a total of 48 shots. The target will travel 60 feet in six seconds, between two barricades.

  • The Falling Plate Event is divided into 4 stages; each stage will have 2 strings, with 6 shots per string, 48 shots total. The targets will be 8 inch round medal plates, fired at 10, 15 and 25 yards.

  • The Speed Event is conducted as a man against man match, utilizing speed plate (steel) targets with firing done from 10 yards. The course is divided into two phases; Qualification and Finals. Firing is done from left and right side firing positions each containing a fan of one stationary time stop-place and four knock down plates. Maximum of 6 shots fired at targets. There is no time limit and the stop-plate stops the clock.

  • Crawford Barricade Event is divided into four stages, with two strings per stage and 6 shots per string, for a total of 48 shots. During each 6 shot string, shooter must fire 3 rounds at the right target and 3 rounds at the left target from matching sides of the barricade. All shots will be fired from behind a barricade.

  • Combat Event - An aggregate of the following stages: Stage 1) 7 yards - 12 shots from the standing without support position; eighteen seconds, time starts with loaded gun in holster and includes reloading for second 6 shot string. Stage 2) 25 yards - 6 shots kneeling, 6 shots standing left side from behind barricade, 6 shots standing right side from behind the barricade; sixty seconds, time starts with loaded gun in holster and includes reloading for subsequent 6 shot strings. Stage 3) 50 yards - 6 shots sitting, 6 shots prone, 6 shots standing left side from behind the barricade, and 6 shots standing right side from behind the barricade; two minutes, time starts with loaded gun in holster and includes reloading for subsequent 6 shot strings. Stage 4) 25 yards - shots standing without support; ten seconds, time starts with loaded gun in holster.

  • The Ambidextrous Match is shot in three stages, using the 8" plate target: Stage 1) 10 yards, 6 shots freestyle; 6 shots each, strong hand and weak hand only, unsupported. Stage 2) 15 yards, same as Stage One. Stage 3) 20 yards, two 6 shot strings, freestyle.

  • The Unsupported Standard Match is divided into four stages, with two strings per stage and 6 shots per string, for a total of 48 shots. There are three D-1 targets, fired at 10,15, 20 and 25 yards. All shooting is done with alternating strings of weak hand and strong hand unsupported.

  • The Speedload Challenge Event is divided into four stages, 2 strings per stage with a reload, six shots per string. There are three D-1 targets, fired at 10, 15, 25 and 50 yards. Shooting includes strong hand and weak hand unsupported.

All courses require a competitor to start with a holstered pistol and, on command, draw and fire at one more targets. Some of these courses limit the use of only the "strong" hand or use of the "weak" hand. One advantage for new shooters, however, is that a two-hand hold may be used in most of the course.

Although the Matches start with a draw, safety is stressed at all times. The trigger finger must remain outside the trigger guard during the draw and until in actual fire position (which is generally standing).

While in Action-type shooting the emphasis is on center-of-mass, rather than relying on a specific sight picture (i.e., 6 o'clock hold on standard bullseye), proper sight alignment and basic marksmanship principles are of great importance.

Indoor courses are now available for Los Alamitos, International Rapid Fire, Advanced Military, Practical, Barricade, Crawford Barricade, Combat, Unsupported Standard, and Speedload Challenge, using the D-1 and D-2 targets.

NRA Action Pistol Distinguished Program

To recognize excellence in NRA Action Pistol Competition. The NRA Action Pistol Distinguished Program is similar to the programs for Conventional Pistol, High Power Rifle, Smallbore Rifle, and Police.

a. No limitation on firearm used so long as it conforms to NRA Action Pistol Shooting rules

b. Points toward the Distinguished Badge may only be earned at NRA State Championships, Regionals and the National Championship

c. Competitors may compete for points in only 2 State Championships, 1 Regional and the National Championship in any calendar year (1/1-12/31)

d. Recognition for award of the Distinguished Badge is retroactive to 1985 for Open and 1998 for Metallic. Individuals may petition for this by providing official results from qualified tournaments. Burden of proof of qualifying scores is on the petitioner

e. OPEN and METALLIC scores will be counted separately for medal purposes.

Course of Fire:
a. Aggregate match containing at least two of the following matches:
1. Practical Event (Rule 10.13)
2. Barricade Event (Rule 10.14)
3. Moving Target Event (mod) (Rule 10.15)
4. Falling Plate Event (Rule 10.16)

b. Minimum Qualifying Score: In order to earn eligibility for Distinguished Points, competitors must fire a minimum score equal to at least 95% of the match aggregate in OPEN and 85% in METALLIC. (e.g., in a 1920 point aggregate, the minimum score required to qualify would be 1824 in OPEN and 1632 in METALLIC).

The NRA Action Pistol Distinguished Badge will be awarded to those individuals who earn a total of 30 points through unassisted individual competition in qualifying events. Credit Points will be awarded as follows:
a. 10 points to the highest scoring non-distinguished competitor who fires a qualifying score.
b: 7 points to next highest scoring 10% of non-distinguished competitors who fire a qualifying score.
c. 5 points to next highest scoring 15% of non-distinguished competitors who fire a qualifying score
d. Fractions of .5 and over will be resolved to the next higher whole number. Smaller fractions will not be considered.

The first time an individual earns Distinguished Points they will receive the NRA Action Pistol "Excellence in Competition" Medal and a certificate indicating the number of credit points earned. Each time additional points are earned, a certificate will be issued. No other medals will be issued by NRA until the 30 points have been earned, at which time the NRA Action Pistol Distinguished Badge will be awarded.

Action pistol competitors who feel they have achieved this level of competition should let us know.

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.22 MP5 (1) .22LR (1) .40 SW (1) .410 (2) .45 (1) 01/2010 (1) 12 Gauge (3) 1911 (7) 2 RM (1) 2008 (1) 2010 (2) 2011 (14) 2012 (2) 2013 (2) 2014 (3) 2015 (1) 2017 (1) 2019 (1) 2023 (12) 22 LR (1) 270 Win (1) 3 Gun (2) 357 Magnum (1) 38 Special (3) 38 Super (1) 380 ACP (1) 442 (1) 45 ACP (1) 45 Colt (1) 642 (1) 7.62mm (1) 70 (1) 71 (1) Absolvido (1) Ação Penal (1) Adesivo (1) ADJLC (2) ADTG (1) ADTM (1) Agility (1) Águia de Haia (1) AK-47 (1) Akuna (1) Alagoas (1) Alarm Clock (1) alarme (1) Allison Braga (1) Alvos Metálicos (2) Americana - SP (3) Ammunition (1) Anniversary (1) antifurto (1) apreensão (1) APTE (1) AR15 (1) Archangel Pistol (1) Argentina (1) arma (4) armamentos (2) Armário de Segurança (1) Armas (17) Armas de Assalto (1) armas de fogo (4) Arsenal (1) Artigo (1) Asia (1) assalto (1) Associação Pinhalense de Tiro Esportivo (2) Aston Martin (1) Athena Lee (1) atirador (6) Atirador Desastrado (1) Atiradores (1) atleta do tiro (4) autodestruição (1) Automatic (1) Automática (1) Bagé (1) Band (1) Barra Bonita (1) Bene Barbosa (5) Benelli (2) Beretta (1) Blind Side (1) Blindado (2) Bodyguard (1) Boito (2) bolt rifle (1) Bowie (1) BR-Linux (1) Braga Facas Artesanais (1) Brasil (3) Brasileiro de Shotgun (1) Brass (1) Browning (2) Buenos Aires (1) Bulgaria (1) Bullet (2) Bullet breakdown (1) Bullet Proof (1) CAC (2) Caça (9) caçadores (1) Caesar Guerini (1) caixa (1) Cal. 36 (1) Calçado (1) Calendário (2) calibradas (1) Calibre 12 (5) Calibre 38 (1) Cameras (2) campanha (1) Campanha do Desarmamento (1) Campeonato Brasileiro (14) Campeonato de Tiro Esportivo (1) Campeonato Estadual (2) Campeonato Paulista (10) Campeonato Regional (6) caneta-revólver (1) Capitão Nascimento (1) Capivara (1) captura (1) Carabina (3) Carabina 22 (2) Carabina de Ar (2) Carabina Puma (2) Carabinas de Pressão (1) Carla Piellusch Tiro Esportivo (5) Carlo Danna (1) carregador (1) Carta de Repúdio (1) Carta Senador (1) cartuchos (1) Cast-off (1) Cast-on (1) CAT (2) Catcher (1) cavalo de tróia (1) CBC (9) CBC 2011 (1) CBTD (1) CBTE (13) CBTP (1) CCTSP (1) celular (1) Championship (3) Chiappa (1) Chip McCormick (1) Chocolate (1) Chrysler (1) Circuito de Treino com Arma (1) Círculo Militar (1) civilização (1) Classic (1) Clube Americanense de Tiro (7) Clube de Caça e Tiro de São Paulo (2) Clube de Tiro Cubas (1) Clube de Tiro de Ribeirão Preto (1) Clube Mineiro dos Caçadores (1) CNJ (1) CO2 (1) cofre (1) Coldre (1) Colecionador (1) colecionadores (2) Colecionadores de Armas (1) colete à prova de balas (2) Coletes (1) COLOG (1) Colt (5) combate (1) Compak (2) Comparativo (1) compartilhamento (1) compartimento secreto (1) Competição (9) competições (3) Competition (1) Conasp (1) condenação (1) Conesul (2) conservação (1) Contos de Caçadas (1) convite (1) Copa Brasil (1) Copa Continental (1) Coronha (1) Course Training (1) Cowboy (1) CR (1) credenciado (1) Criptografia (1) Cristovam Buarque (1) Critical Defense (1) CTMA (1) CTT-CBC (4) Curso (3) curso de tiro (2) Custom (1) CZ (1) dados (1) Décio Croce (1) Decisões Policiais (1) Declaração de Habitualidade (1) Decreto 10.030 (1) Decreto 11.366 (7) defesa (1) Defesa do Lar (1) desarmamento (5) Desarmando (1) desinformação (1) desmontagem (3) desmuniciada (1) Despertador (1) desvio (1) DFPC (2) Dillon (1) dinheiro (1) disarm (1) dissimulado (1) documentação (1) documentário (1) Double 1911 (1) Dracena - 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30 (1) Porte (2) porte de arma (4) Porte de Trânsito (1) porte ilegal (2) Prática de Tiro ao Alvo (1) Prática do Tiro Esportivo (1) preciso (1) Premiun (1) Priscila Macedo Campos (1) Pro-Series (1) Proarmas (1) Procedimentos (1) Produtos Controlados (1) Programa (1) Projeto (1) promotor (1) Propoint (1) propriedade rural (1) Prorrogação (1) proteção (1) Proteção Residencial (1) prova de bala (1) Prova De Tiro (15) Pump (1) R.I.P. (1) rack (1) RAM (1) Range Day (1) Range Rover (1) rastreamento (1) Recadastramento (5) recarga de munições (3) Recarga Rápida (1) Recargamatic (2) Record (1) recordação (1) recorde (1) Registro de Armas (9) Regulagem (1) regulamentação (1) Regulamento de Produtos Controlados (1) reloading (1) Remington (1) renovação (2) Revolver (1) Revólver (9) Revolver Nationals (1) Ribeirão Preto (1) Richard Nixos's (1) Rifle (2) Rio 2016 (1) Rio de Janeiro (1) Rio Grande do Sul (1) Rossi (1) roubo (1) RPB (1) RS (1) Ruger (3) Rússia (3) Santa Catarina (1) Santos (1) Saque Rápido (1) SCHUZENFEST (1) Segunda Reserva (1) Segurança (4) Segurança Pessoal (1) sem munição (1) semi-auto (2) senha (1) senha forte (1) SFPC (2) Shooting (2) Shot (1) Shotglass (1) Shotgun (12) Shotguns (4) SIG Sauer (2) Sigma (1) Silhuetas Metálicas (1) Sinarm (2) Single - Ten (1) Single Action (1) sistema computadorizado (1) Skeet (1) Slow Motion (1) Smith (1) Smith Wesson (2) Sniper (5) sporting (2) Springfield. XD-M 5.25 (1) Spy (1) SR40c (1) Steel Chalenge (1) STF (5) STI (1) STJ (1) storage (1) sub-metralhadora (2) Submachine (1) Suprema Corte (1) Tactical (1) Target (1) Tarso Genro (1) Taser (1) Tática (1) Taurus (2) taxa (1) telefone (1) Temporada (1) teste (3) tiro (3) Tiro ao Alvo (2) Tiro ao Prato (9) Tiro Esportivo (4) Tiro Prático (2) tiro rápido (1) Tiroteio (1) TJ - RS (1) TJ-RS (1) top 5 (1) Top Guns (1) Torneio Nacional (1) transações eletrônicas (1) Trap (4) Trap Americano (8) Trap Doublê (5) Treinamento (1) TRF2 (1) Tri-Cor (1) Trigun (1) Ultimate (1) UOL (1) USA (3) uso proibido (1) uso restrito (3) USPSA (1) utilização (1) validade (1) veículo (1) Veranópolis (1) Vermont (1) viagem (2) Viaturas (1) vida (1) video (1) Vidro (1) vigilância (2) violência (1) visão periférica (1) visita (1) viver ou morrer (1) Weapon (1) Wesson (1) Whatsapp (1) Wi-FI (1) wikipédia (1) Wilson (1) Wilson Combat (2) Winchester (4) World (1) World Shoot (1) XCR II (1) XVI (1) Youtube (1) Zippo (1)